发布日期:2024-05-09 07:32    点击次数:104


  “Sveiki, mano vardas Akvilė, esu iš Lietuvos.Hey guys, my name is Bai Aikang from Lithuania. I heard that the 2024 Flower Festival in Jinan has opened. Let's go to see the Flower Goddesses and the Sea of flowers and people!”


  The Flower Festival originated in the Spring and Autumn Period(from 770 to 476 BC.), and the related customs were initially formed in the Tsin Dynasty(from 266 to 420 AD.). In Tang Dynasty(from 618 to 907 AD.), it was designated as a festival on the 15th day of the 2nd lunar month. According to legend, Nv Yi, a disciple of an emperor’s concubine in Northern Wei Dynasty, was good at planting and raising flowers, and was respected by later generations as “Goddess of Flowers“. The Flower Festival was then attached to her festival. In this season, magnolia, jasmine, forsythia, cherry, purple plum, elm plum and beauty plum are all in bloom and worth a visit.


  The Flower Festival is full of cultural atmosphere. In addition to viewing the flowers, there are a variety of Chinese style games and dazzling spring markets. The folk heritage area, the gourmet area, and the Chinese crafts area,each has its own characteristics.


  “It is in Jinan that I get to know the Flower Festival for the first time. It’s really interesting, because there are good views and projects to have fun and delicious food to eat. Let's get together and enjoy our time here!”







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